Concert Operetta Theater
"The only concert operetta in the USA!"
Next concert...
Happy Birthday, Otto!
Join us to celebrate the 150th birthday of
lyricist Otto Harbach.
He was part of the team for many great operettas and shows on Broadway working with Jerome Kern, Sigmund Romberg,
George Gershwin, and Rudolf Friml, to name a few!
To be performed in April 2023
Date to follow
Until then...
Click here to see and hear over 370 videos clips of
past productions and concerts on YouTube!
Over 700,000 people have viewed our clips.
For information and reservations
contact COT at 215-498-1874
Daniel Pantano, Executive and Artistic Director
2129 W. Ritner Street Philadelphia, PA 19145
(215) 498-1874 ConcertOT @ aol . com
Concert Operetta Theater is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization.
All donations are tax-deductible.
What the critics have said about Concert Operetta Theater
Daniel Pantano dedicates himself to restoring and preserving this type of music
theater. He is artistic director of the Concert Operetta Theater and he casts his productions with attractive professionals. These shows are worth seeing and hearing
for their tunefulness and wistfulness. And, on occasion, there comes a weekend like
this when we get even more.
Steve Cohen, The Opera Critic
Concert Operetta Theater has carved out a regional niche for itself that needs and deserves support because no one else is doing what it does —
perform the glorious repertoire of operettas.
Michael Caruso, Chestnut Hill Local
The Concert Operetta Theater draws on the huge pool of classically trained singers
based in our region to present classic operettas concert-style, without sets or costumes. They leave the details up to your imagination and concentrate on the music and the dialogue. I was especially impressed with the quality of the acting. There’s no reason,
after all, why a vocalist who can hit high notes shouldn't be able to recite dialogue in a natural, effective manner.
Tom Purdom, Broad Street Review
Concert Operetta Theater productions are available on DVD
Call or email O.K. Video
406 Philadelphia Pike Wilmington, DE 19809
302-762-2333 or okvideo @ gmail.com
I totally enjoyed the Saturday afternoon performance of Kalman's operetta Sari, featuring Steven LaBrie....Glorious singing, excellent Hungarian sonics, with umlauted sounds to die for! A special thanks to you for preserving, nurturing and making so vibrant the operetta genre.
Lew Loesburg.
I received the Maritza DVD and immediately played it. Bravo! Wie lieblich!
Wie entzükend! The voices were uniformly quite good and the women all are very attractive and cute. The small chorus works very well with minimal musical diminution. Your approach and concept is an excellent and efficient, yet musically and theatrically valuable and enjoyable, format!
David Baumgartner, Ohio
"The Cousin from Batavia " was the first COT performance that
I attended, having learned only a few months ago of
your existence through an internet search. I very much
enjoyed the performance and look forward to coming back
for more. I'm glad to see that there are at least a few others
who also enjoy this kind of music. Thank you for your efforts!
Carl Shankweiler Valley View, Pa.
Thank you for keeping the music of the operetta alive. Last Saturday's Jeanette MacDonald & Nelson Eddy concert was fantastic. It brought back many happy memories. The voices were magnificent and the setting -
the beautiful St. Monica'sChurch - made for a heavenly evening.
Cleta Higgins
In a city with far too few performances of opera and virtually
none of operetta, Concert Operetta Theater has carved out a
regional niche for itself that needs and deserves support because
no one else is doing what it does— perform the glorious repertoire of operettas.
Michel Caruso, The Chestnut Hill Local
The production (The Czarevitch) was really super...You must come to
realize what a great contribution you make to the regional music scene.
For that I thank you most sincerely. Keep up the good...no, excellent work.
Dr. Joseph McGory
Bravo Daniel, Outstanding singing!
The Czarevitch was a wonderful production.
Bob Abbott
"A Night in Vienna! was an evening of delight, so many
wonderful talented performers. We want to thank you
for "Vienna" and previous productions that have thrilled
us and retrained our faith that operatta can still be
experienced in this era."
Illene and Don Suplee
"Schöne Galathée was truly Schön"
Dan Rothermel, The Savoy Company
"You may be controversial in Philadelphia,
but you certainly understand this material"
Michael Presser, Inside Broadway
"Countess Maritza adds another feather to the crown of
Concert Operetta Theater and its founder Daniel Pantano"
John Lane, The Weekly Press 2003
"The invaluable Concert Operetta Theater…"
Michael Harrington, Philadelphia Inquirer
"After the performance (The Duchess of Chicago)
I jotted down the comment "near perfect!"
J. Gehringer, NJ
"What a magnificent musical afternoon - Bravo!"
F. Horwitz, Chester County, PA
Join Our email blast and be the first to hear about operetta in Philadelphia! |
Daniel Pantano, Executive and Artistic Director
2129 W. Ritner Street Philadelphia, PA 19145
(215) 389-0648 ConcertOT @ aol . com
Concert Operetta Theater is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization.
All donations are tax-deductible.